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Transfer SimpliSafe to New Owner

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Switching who owns your SimpliSafe Home Security System is easy. This keeps the new residents safe. When you move, help the new family shift smoothly. Follow these steps to transfer SimpliSafe to new owner and keep it working.

First, end your monitoring account. This lets the new owner pick their settings. After you end your account, the new people can take over. 

They’ll use the Base Station’s serial number to set up their monitoring. This special code links the system to their needs.

With a simple ownership switch, you make sure the SimpliSafe Home Security System keeps guarding the home.

This smooth process shows how much SimpliSafe cares about home safety. Beyond security, SimpliSafe offers environmental monitoring with devices like smoke detectors and water sensors to protect against unforeseen disasters.

Let’s look closer at the steps for a seamless switch.

How to Transfer Ownership of Your SimpliSafe Devices

If you use SimpliSafe, you know about keeping your home safe. Sometimes, you might need to give your security system to a new owner. Maybe you’re moving, renting, selling, or getting a new model. 

It’s easy to change the ownership and you don’t need to be super techy. The new owner stays safe, and your info is safe too.

First, stop any services you use. Call SimpliSafe at 1-800-548-9508, and pick Option 2. Tell them your phone number, address, and Safe Word. They’ll help with the switch.

Keep your info safe when you switch. Make your device’s PIN a simple code (like 0000) before giving it away. This keeps your info safe.

When you cancel service, it happens right away. Your system won’t watch your place after the call. So only cancel when you’re ready. Best to do it on a moving day.

After canceling, the new owner can make their own account. They can sign up online or call. They need the serial number under the Base Station. If they had SimpliSafe before, they can call to start up again.

The new owner adds their credit card for payments. They make their Safe Word and codes. Your settings stay in the Base Station’s memory. If there are many devices, they don’t need to add each one. The memory knows them.

If you don’t have services, passing it on is easier. The new owner sets it up with their own account. Simple and safe for both of you.

Activating New Monitoring Services with SimpliSafe

activating new monitoring services with simplisafe tech heaven home

When you want to keep your house safe with SimpliSafe, you need to do a few simple things. First, you choose a plan that fits what you need.

There are two plans:

Standard Plan

Costs about $15 a month. It watches over your house all the time and tells you about any problems.

Interactive Plan

Costs around $25 a month. It does everything the Standard Plan does, plus you can use an app on your phone. The app helps you see things and connects with other smart devices in your home.

And guess what? You don’t have to sign up for a long time. You can stop anytime you want.

Once you’re ready, follow these steps:

  1. Get the SimpliSafe App: Get the app on your phone, or go to
  1. Log in: Use your email or make a new account.
  1. Use App or Website: Do you like apps or websites more? Follow the steps for your favorite.

Important Stuff: You’ll need to type in the special number on your Base Station. Also, get your credit card ready to pay for the service.

SimpliSafe wants to make things easy for you. They want to make sure your home is safe and you feel good.

Can I Take the SimpliSafe Home Security System with Me when I Move

simplisafe home security system tech heaven home

When you move, you might wonder if you can bring your SimpliSafe Home Security System. Good news, you can! This system keeps your home safe, even if the power goes out or Wi-Fi stops. 

Sensors warn about bad stuff like intruders, fires, or floods. Cool cameras show what’s happening at your place.

Now, can you take it when you move? Yes! It’s easy to remove and won’t mess up your walls. You can move all of it to your new home. Safety stays strong!

SimpliSafe helps movers. They’ll pause your service here and start it there. Need more sticky stuff for your new place? They have a free Mover’s Package. Makes moving easier!

Using SimpliSafe to Launch New Monitoring Services

When you start using SimpliSafe’s new security services, picking the right plan is important. There are two options: interactive and standard plans. Both make your security system watch over your home, telling you if there’s trouble and even calling the police. 

Good news! You don’t have to sign a long contract. You can cancel anytime.

If you’re new to SimpliSafe, follow these simple steps. Go to or get the SimpliSafe app on your phone. Then, create a new account or use your email from when you ordered.

If you like using a web browser, set up your new device there. If you’re using the app, tap “Activate Monitoring” and follow the instructions. 

Remember, for monthly plans, you’ll need a credit card, and during setup, you’ll use the Base Station’s serial number.

Final Words

Let’s wrap things up. When someone new takes over SimpliSafe, it’s not tricky. It’s like passing a baton in a relay race – smooth and easy. Just do what SimpliSafe says. 

That way, old and new owners switch homes without a hitch. It’s like a puzzle piece fitting perfectly. The new owner is happy and chill, and SimpliSafe rocks at being simple. Tech gets cooler, so changing homes is a breeze.


How do I give my security system to someone else?

To give your safety system to a new person, talk to SimpliSafe for help. They’ll help you change details and make a new account. You and the new person need to work together.

Can someone else use my safety gadgets? 

Yes, if they work, the new person can use them. They aren’t just for one person. They can set up the gadgets again.

What do I tell them to switch? 

Tell me about you, the new person, and the proof you gave it. SimpliSafe helps with the exact things you need.

Do I pay to change owners? 

Before 2021, it was free. Ask SimpliSafe to be sure now.

Can the new owner get pro-watching? 

Yes, they can get that. They must agree and give details. Ask SimpliSafe for new rules.

Can I transfer my SimpliSafe monitoring plan to the new owner as well?

The possibility of transferring the monitoring plan may depend on the specific terms of your contract with SimpliSafe. Contact SimpliSafe to discuss this option.

What happens to my personal data stored in the SimpliSafe system after the transfer?

It’s crucial to remove your personal data from the system before the transfer. SimpliSafe should provide guidance on how to do this securely.

Will the new owner need to sign a new contract with SimpliSafe?

The new owner may need to sign a new contract with SimpliSafe or assume the existing contract. This depends on SimpliSafe’s policies and the agreement you have in place.

Can I transfer my SimpliSafe system to a new owner if it’s under warranty?

Warranty policies may vary, but it’s often possible to transfer a SimpliSafe system under warranty to a new owner. Verify this with SimpliSafe’s customer support.

What if the new owner doesn’t want the SimpliSafe system?

If the new owner doesn’t want the system, you may need to uninstall it and make arrangements for its disposal or reinstallation at your new location.