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SimpliSafe Sensor Says Open When Closed

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In the world of SimpliSafe home security, making sure your doors and windows are really closed is super important. Imagine if they’re shut tight, but your SimpliSafe says they’re open. 

This mix-up might set off alarms when they shouldn’t, messing up your home’s calm. Figuring out why this happens and fixing it is a big deal.

SimpliSafe smart security offers both self-monitoring and professional monitoring options, catering to different user preferences and needs

Sometimes, a SimpliSafe sensor says open when closed. A few things could cause this. One is how far the sensor is from the magnet part. If they’re too far, the sensor might think things are open. If the sensor is on something metal, it can mess up and show the wrong thing.

Also, the signal strength between the sensor and the main base matters for getting it right.

Luckily, there’s an easy fix for these problems. Moving the sensor close to the magnet it pairs with can often solve it. This way, the sensor can really sense the magnet’s power and tell if the door or window is open or closed.

Let’s go even deeper to see why the “open” signal won’t go away. And we’ll learn how to fix it step by step. 

By facing these problems, you can make your SimpliSafe sensor work well again and keep your home safe. 

We’re going to explore this together and make your SimpliSafe sensor work reliably once more!

1. The Sensor Is Far From Its Magnet

the sensor is far from its magnet tech heaven home

SimpliSafe has smart sensors with tiny, strong magnets. They stop break-ins. The magnets notice even small changes near them. If someone opens a door, a gap grows.

SimpliSafe’s sensors connect when the gap is 2 inches. This keeps out unwanted people. The gap is like 5 bottle caps. It’s a plan to stay safe.

The sensors do more than talk. They make a loud sound if a door opens. 

This scares away bad people. If you pay extra, pros watch too. If a gap comes, they call for help.

Let’s think about why gaps happen. At first, sensors might be too close. Then, they think doors are open. Also, a bumpy surface could fool them. Slants or bumps change gaps. Stuff in the way is tricky too. Things mess up how sensors work.

How To Fix

If your SimpliSafe sensor says a door or window is open but it’s actually closed, no worries! Let’s fix it together.

First, look at the sensor and its magnet buddy. They need to be super close, like best pals sitting next to each other, about as far as your fingers can stretch. If they’re not, move the magnet closer to the sensor.

And don’t forget to check the sensor’s battery. If it’s almost out of power, it might tell fibs. If the battery is low, change it for a new one.

2. The Sensor Is Mounted on a Metallic Surface

The Sensor Is Mounted on a Metallic Surface | Tech heaven home

Let’s talk about how SimpliSafe sensors work. These sensors are like super detectives for your doors and windows. They use a special magic called magnetism to know if someone is trying to sneak in or if your doors and windows are open or closed.

Magnetism is a cool trick that certain metals like iron and steel can do. 

They have tiny particles called electrons that like to hang out together in a certain way. When these electrons team up, they create a magnetic field. It’s like a special force field around the metal.

But sometimes, when these sensors are put on something metal, they get a bit confused. The metal messes up their magic field and they can’t talk properly with the main station. 

So, if someone tries to break in, these sensors might not be able to tell the main station on time. That’s not good!

Sometimes, these sensors might even tell a fib. They might say a door or window is open when it’s actually closed. This happens because the metal nearby messes up their magic words.

How to Fix 

To fix this, we have a plan. If you have metal doors or windows at home, don’t put the sensor directly on them. Instead, put it on something like wood or plastic. That way, the metal won’t play tricks on the sensor.

Also, try not to put the sensor too close to other metal stuff. Metal things can still make the sensor confused. If you really have to put the sensor near metal, use something like a cushion to keep them apart. 

This way, the sensor can keep doing its job and tell you if there’s any funny business happening.

So, remember, keep your sensors away from metal as much as you can. They’ll work better and keep your home safe from any sneaky surprises!

3. SimpliSafe Sensor Has Weak Signals

Let’s talk about home security with something called SimpliSafe. It’s like a superhero for your home. It keeps your doors and windows safe from bad guys.

SimpliSafe has a special talking box called a base station. It sends quick messages when it sees doors or windows open. It uses magic connections called Wi-Fi or cellular to talk fast. 

But sometimes, the magic signals get weak, and the base station gets confused. It thinks doors are open when they’re not.

This happens because the base station and the door friends might be far apart. They can’t talk well if they’re more than 400 feet away. Stuff like walls or furniture can also block their talk, making them confused.

How to Fix

To fix this, we have cool solutions! If the door friend keeps saying it’s open, we need to check how close the base station is. They should be 400 feet or fewer apart. If they’re too far, we can move the base station closer.

Next, let’s check for obstacles. Obstacles are things like walls or furniture. They can stop talking. If they’re in the way, we can move them or move the base station. This will help the door friend talk better.

Last thing – batteries! The door friend needs the energy to talk. If its energy is low, it might make mistakes. So, we put new batteries to help it work well again. This will stop the wrong “open” messages.

Remember, with these tricks, we can make SimpliSafe strong and smart, just like a superhero guarding our home!

4. The Sensor Is Not Installed on a Level Surface

When talking about how a sensor works with its magnet buddy, their teamwork is super important. Teamwork helps measure the space between them just right.

Where you put the sensor matters too. It needs a flat spot to sit on. This helps it work great with the magnet. Then it can measure the space just perfectly, like two inches (that’s about 5 centimeters).

There are a few good reasons for having a flat spot:

  1. Close and Right: A flat spot helps the sensor close in the best way. This makes sure the sensor always gives the right info.
  1. Stays Put: A flat spot keeps the sensor safe and steady. This makes the sensor stay in the right spot and keep working well.

How to Fix

If you see the sensor always says “open” even when it’s not, check where you put it. If the spot isn’t flat, try putting the sensor somewhere else.

When you move it, make sure the new spot is also flat. And don’t forget to put it close to the surface. If there’s a gap, it might give the wrong “open” signal and not work right.

If you still have problems, check if the sensor lines up with the door or window. If it’s not right, you might need to fix it. With these steps, you can make the sensor stop showing “open” when it’s not and make it work great again.

Contact SimpliSafe

If you keep getting a wrong “open” message, even after trying the fixes above, just talk to SimpliSafe’s support team. They know a lot and will help you figure out the problem. They can fix things if a part is broken or something else is wrong.

When you contact SimpliSafe’s support, their smart workers will try really hard to solve the problem. They really know how everything works. They will talk with you to find out why you’re getting the wrong “open” message. 

They want to solve the problem by listening to what you think and using their own smart ideas.

If a thing you’re using is causing the problem, the support team will help you fix it. They might even tell you how to change the thing. They want to make sure your security stuff works well and keeps you safe. 

When you talk to them, you’ll understand each other and both want to make your SimpliSafe work great again.

Final Thought

Let’s wrap things up! Imagine this: a SimpliSafe sensor says something is open, but it’s really closed. This tells us how super important it is for security tech to work well. If it doesn’t, bad stuff can happen. 

To keep homes safe, companies need to check things a lot, make tech better, and fix problems fast. This story teaches us that even fancy tech needs careful watching to keep everyone safe and happy.


Why does my SimpliSafe sensor say “open” when the door is closed? 

If your sensor shows “open” but the door’s shut, it might be placed wrong. Make sure it’s on the right and nothing’s blocking it. Sometimes, electronics or metal nearby can mess with it.

How to fix the sensor saying “open” when it’s closed? 

Check sensor parts match up. No space when the door’s closed. Clean them too. If still wrong, move the sensor away from stuff that might cause trouble.

Can a low battery make the sensor show the wrong “open”? 

Yes, a low battery can make it act up. See the battery on the app or manual. If low, change it like the manual says.

Does magnet placement help stop wrong “open” readings? 

The magnet and sensor should fit right to work. If not, the sensor might mess up. Keep them close, no gap, to stop wrong alerts.

Can things around make the sensor wrong? 

Yes, stuff nearby can mess up readings. Magnets, temperature, and sunlight too. Keep it away from gadgets and use special sensors outside.