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How To Close Apps On LG TV

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If you want to close your LG TV apps, just follow this easy guide. Restart apps if they stop working to make your TV faster. Delete apps you don’t use to make more space. This helps your TV work better. If you see errors, restart the app. LG TVs with WebOS are easy to use. It’s simple to add new apps with LG Smart TV.

How Do I Close Apps On LG Smart TV?

To close apps on LG Smart TVs, you can use the back button. Press it to exit the current application. If you prefer, utilise the home button instead. 

Additionally, with Web OS 5.0, you have the Memory Optimizer function. This feature aids in optimising memory usage, enhancing overall performance. 

For a quick reset, employ the Soft reset option. Hold down the reset button for a few seconds to initiate this process. 

Remember, to effectively manage apps, familiarise yourself with the Function menu. From there, you can access various options for app management. 

In summary, closing apps on LG TVs is simple. Use the back or home button, explore the Memory Optimizer function, and utilise the Soft reset option when needed.

Hold Down The Back Button

LG TVs have a cool trick! Press and hold the back button on the remote. It’s super easy and helps you move around quickly.

The remote makes things easy. Just hold the back button for quick moves. LG makes it easy for you to enjoy.

Going through apps is smooth. Hold the back button for quick moves. LG TVs make it all easy.

The remote is made for you. Just hold the back button to close apps. LG TVs make it easy for you.

Press The Back Button Twice

If you’re using a certain type of LG TV, you can close an app: Just press the back button. To make sure you want to close it, press the back button two times. This will confirm and shut down the app that matches the one you’re using. This way, you won’t accidentally close something you didn’t mean to.

Memory Optimizer

Memory Optimizer helps LG TVs. It makes them work better. You can find it in new LG TVs. You can use it to fix memory issues. 

To use Memory Optimizer, go to TV settings. It helps the TV run smoothly. It manages memory well. This makes the TV faster.

No more slow TV! Memory Optimizer is your friend. Easy TV watching!

Guide To Closing Apps On LG TV

To shut down apps on your LG TV, find the Settings Button on your remote. Use it to get to the OLED Care and Device Self-Care parts. These help your TV work better and keep it running smoothly.

Use the Memory Optimizer to clean up TV memory and storage. This is important for getting rid of apps you don’t use and making your TV work better. Find the choice to delete extra apps running in the background. This clears away stuff you don’t need on your TV screen.

Press Or Hold The Home Button

To stop apps on LG TVs, tap the home button. A menu pops up with open apps.

Keep the home button down to see the WebOS menu. Use arrows to pick apps. Press “OK” to close.

Use the home button to move in the menu. It’s easy to control and stop apps on your LG TV.

Soft Reset Your LG TV

Fix your LG TV easily! To make it work better, do a soft reset. Unplug your TV. Wait for 60 seconds. Plug it in again. This power cycle refreshes the TV. It helps apps in the background. Your TV will run better!

Do this often for the best performance. It fixes app issues. Your TV stays smooth. Soft reset keeps it working well.

Why Should I Close LG TV Apps?

To make your LG TV work better, close apps you’re not using. It helps free up memory and makes it faster. If you have too many apps open, the TV might get slow.

To make your LG apps work faster, stop the ones you don’t need. Try deleting extra stuff to make them work better. When you close apps you don’t use, your TV will work smoother and be easier to use.

Contact LG Support

If your LG TV has problems, ask LG support for help. They fix TV issues fast.

Can’t close apps on your LG TV? LG support has tips. Check the solutions they give for a better TV.

LG support quickly solves your worries. They make managing apps easy. Contact for solutions that fit your needs.

Learn from LG support how to close apps. Their tips are simple. Enjoy TV with LG’s help.

Need help with your LG TV? Call LG support. They help you well. Get ready for a good TV time.


To sum up, knowing how to shut down apps on LG TVs is important. When apps stop working or freeze, it’s super helpful to know how to close them. Many LG TV users find it hard to figure this out. But learning the easy steps can make things better. Closing apps quickly makes using LG TVs better.


How to remove stuff on LG TV?

Press Home. Pick Apps. Tap pencil. Click OK. Choose an app. Press Trash. Tap Yes.

Can we close all apps together?

Restart the LG TV to close all apps.

How to stop Netflix on LG TV?

Hold Back till it closes. This works for any app.

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